Original Paleolithic-style rock painting by Lynne Gerard Ravenseyrie Studio & Art Gallery / Manitoulin Island For the past three weeks I have set up one of the work tables in my studio so that I can create new rock paintings. I've been painting on rocks in a manner influenced by Paleolithic cave art since first moving to the island 15 years ago. Ravenseyrie Rock Art information card On Wednesday, I selected one of the many stone "canvases" that I had collected from the Ravenseyrie beach last summer. It's a lovely rock (I find them all wonderfully beautiful) and after turning it around in a number of directions I thought when placed horizontally, it had a shape and colour that would look quite nice with a pair of Ravens painted on it. I put the rock "canvas" in an easel and sat down in front of it with my sketch book to work up a design for two Ravens that would best fit the contours and relief elements inherent in the stone....