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Showing posts from April, 2020

Self-Isolation / Lunch in the Art Gallery

A spot of lunch in my gallery on the bay Ravenseyrie Studio & Art Gallery Gore Bay / Manitoulin Island Outside is very wonderful today: If I am taking time for lunch at work, I typically might have just a handful of mixed nuts and an infusion or two (or three or four) of puerh sheng tea.  On a day with inspiring, rainy weather such as this day, a bit more sustenance is in order.  A glass of red and some Korean spinach salad puts warmth into body and soul, especially when lunch is taken in the gallery.  A great view out the window and a a lovely one inside as well. The gallery is still under the pandemic lockdown, but self-isolation means some wonderfully undisturbed creative time in the studio. Until the restrictions are lifted, hope you enjoy this brief virtual tour (above) and the spotlight on one of my handmade greeting cards (below).  Be creative, strengthen your immune system and carry on beautifully. "Stevie on My Balcony" Outsid...

The Mirada Fuerte / Picasso's Eyes

The Mirada Fuerte by Lynne Gerard Original Paleolithic-style Rock Painting Small sedimentary dolostone with imbedded fossils North Channel, Lake Huron, Manitoulin Island I forage our shoreline at the Ravenseyrie Sorraia Mustang Preserve for a variety of unique, sensual rock "canvases" that I gather and bring to my art studio for future paintings. I have been painting on these rocks since moving to Manitoulin Island in 2005 and have been well trained by them to "listen" to what they have to "say".  This year, especially, it seems that the rocks have been requesting human images of a more modern, representational style than the many prehistoric motifs that had so frequently presented themselves to  me.  Even so, I continue to paint them using my version of the Paleolithic-style techniques. The rock I share with you today is no exception.  Quite naturally, the imbedded fossils in it suggested eyes.  But whose eyes? It wasn...

Painting Through the Pandemic

Lynne Gerard's Paleolithic-style rock painting station Ravenseyrie Studio & Art Gallery Manitoulin Island Sending best wishes and good energy to everyone all over the world as we humans are being transformed in the crucible of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).   Though the Ravenseyrie Art Gallery has been closed for the duration of the pandemic lockdown, in sympathy and in hope, I carry on with creating in the studio and remain focused upon beauty and believing in goodness prevailing. Some of the works arising during these past two months are loosely presented here.  By and by I will put them up on my Paleolithic-style Rock Painting page with descriptors, titles and prices.